The Land of Buddha

The Nepalese government took offence when the Indian Foreign Minister called Buddha an Indian. Such has been the impact of Buddha on history. Nations compete for his legacy. Japan funded the renovation of Ellora and Ajanta.

Buddhism remains one of the largest religions globally, more than 2000 years after his death. The philosophy he spawned is one of the most studied.

Explore the places where he lived, the concepts he expounded and the monuments that honor him. With due respect to Nepal, we are proud that the Buddha graced our land, many eons ago.

The picture is from Ayuthya, Thailand.

Which Indian State derives its name from Buddhist architecture?

“These paintings depict colourful Buddhist legends with an exuberance and vitality that is unsurpassed in Indian art.” Which cave paintings is this citation referring to?

“More than 500 years before Oxford University was founded, this university was home to nine million books and attracted 10000 students from around the world.” Which Buddhist mahavihara is this statement referring to?

This site has no connection with the life of Buddha. But it has the most ancient surviving Buddhist monuments in India. Where is it?

The Buddha performed the ‘dharma-chakra-pravartana’ at Sarnath near Kashi. What did he do?

Why is Lumbini in Nepal a key part of Buddha’s life? Which life event of Buddha is it associated with?

The stories of Buddha in his former life have been and still are very popular in India. What are these stories called?

Which day commemorates the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana (death)?

SN Goenka has universally popularised the Buddhist way of meditation. It requires maintaining silence for 10 days continuously. What is it called?

Which state in India has the maximum number of Buddhist cave temples?

Which of these names is not used for Buddha?

Mumbai has an antiquity far older than popular imagination. Which place near Mumbai has a major Asokan rock edict?

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