100 Years of Harappa

Harappa’s discovery was announced 100 years back, on Sept 20, 1924. John Marshall, the archaeologist announced it in Illustrated London News. He said it pushed back Indian civilizational history by several hundred years. But even he underestimated its significance.

We are familiar with the popular icons of Harappa – Unicorn seals, Great Bath, Priest King, Dancing Girl etc. There is much more to Harappan civilization, its grandeur, size and spread, technology, trade, agriculture, metallurgy and rituals. How did Harappans harvest water? Did they trade with far off countries? What was their art? How much is our way of life similar to theirs?

In this quiz, we take you through some unfamiliar aspects.

This facility is a part of modern homes. What is it?

Which famous Harappan artefact presents evidence of Yoga?

Harappans were expert jewelers. Which material did they use?

Gujarat has amazing step wells. Which Harappan site in Gujarat had similar sophisticated water harvesting systems?

Which among these is NOT a reason for the demise of Harappan civilisation?

We know the famous dancing girl of Mohenjodaro. The statue highlights a striking cultural continuity. What is it?

Which scientific analysis of a skeleton from Rakhigarhi has revealed that South Asians (Indians specifically) are the descendants of Harappans?

Which of these cities is closest to Harappa city?

West Asians traded with Harappans. Which name did they use for the Harappan region?

Along which river basin are the maximum number of Harappan sites?

Harappa discovery was announced by John Marshall but he underestimated its history. How was its history established?

This is a find from Kalibangan in Rajasthan. It was officially published in 2020. When was it first excavated?


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