Supreme Court Judgement Quiz

Why did one side win and the other lose? When did this all start?

What role did the Sikhs play? What was the British contribution?

Which arguments won?  and which were in vain?

What did the ASI report say? What was beneath the mosque?

Learn the legal and historical facts of Ayodhya from judgement of the Supreme Court.


All page numbers refer to Supreme Court judgement unless mentioned otherwise. All pictures are from Allahabad High Court Judgement unless mentioned otherwise.

This picture is an AI rendition of pilgrim bathing in Sarayu river flowing in front of Supreme Court building.

Both the Mandir and Masjid sides were unhappy with the Allahabad High Court Judgement on Ayodhya. What did it order?

When was the first court case on RamJanmabhoomi filed in courts?

Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992. It had always been a site of recurring riots, agitations and violence. When did the first recorded violent incident occur at the site?

What role did the Sikhs play in the Ayodhya movement?

In 1945, the Shia and Sunni sects also had a dispute about who owns the Masjid. What history was recorded during the course of this case?

Which act of British Government supported courts to verify legal rights over the site?

Which was the earliest literary evidence that was used in the case?

The high court asked ASI to excavate the site. ASI found continuous evidence of temple construction. How old was the earliest temple?

What is the earliest period of inhabitation of the site according to ASI?

What was the major finding of ASI that was acknowledged by the court?

What was a key claim of Masjid side which they failed to prove in the court?

What was the strongest legal case for the Mandir side?

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