IndiYatra Quiz on Republican Traditions of India

It was Buddha’s era. The people of deccan asked the merchants who had come from the north, “Who is your King?” The merchants replied, “some countries are under ganas and some are under Kings.” By the term “ganas,” they meant republics. Monarchy wasn’t the only form of Government then.

Alexander was at the present day AfPak border. Aculphis was surrendering to Alexander. He would tell Alexander, “we inhabit Nysa, a free city, and we ourselves are independent, conducting our Government with constitutional order.” They meant they were a Republic.

Wait, did we not become a Republic on 26th January, 1950 only? Yes, we did, but it wasn’t for the first time. Republics of various form had grown in India thousands of years before. They were eventually eclipsed by legendary monarchies. So we didn’t become a republic for the first time, but we did become the largest republic and an evolved one.

Scholars in early 20th century, amongst the independence movement, researched our republican traditions. They combed out these traditions from Hindu, Jain and Buddhist texts; and commentaries of Greek travellers.

This 26th January, explore the geography of India’s republican traditions with this IndiYatra quiz.


1 / 10

The official name of our country is ‘Republic of India’. Indian Passports state the Hindi equivalent – Bharat Ganarajya. “Gana” refers to a republic. Which is the earliest recorded use of the term Gana in India?

2 / 10

The word “Sabha” in Lok Sabha too is of ancient origin. It was used to refer to a council. Where is the first reference to “Sabha?”

3 / 10

Republics had become common by the Buddhist period and influenced Buddhist principles. Which of the following aspects of Buddhism captures the prominence of republican traditions of those times?

4 / 10

This republic in modern day Bihar is known to us in several ways. The Hindi film ‘Amrapali’ starring Vyjantimala and Sunil Dutt is set in this republic. The Republic formed the first known confederation with other republics. The Republic also survived for about 1000 years in some form or the other. Which is it?

5 / 10

Both Buddha and Mahavira were born in republics. Buddha also attained Parinirvana in a republic. One of the names of Buddha is derived from the name of the republic in which he was born. Which republic is this?

6 / 10

“There seems to be a strange fatality in their history. They rose to power with the help of a republic, they conquered most of the republics, and they in turn were shaken off their foundations by a republic”. About which great dynasty is this written?

7 / 10

The Uttaramerur inscriptions are celebrated as a record of democratic traditions in South India from 1100 years ago. What tradition do these inscriptions attest to?

8 / 10

Kautilya’s Arthashastra advises that republics cannot be defeated in war. It recognizes the presence of republics; and provides advice on how they can be overcome. What is the method suggested in Arthashastra?

9 / 10

The Yaudheya republic halted Alexander from progressing further beyond the river Beas. Fear of Yaudheyas (and Nandas too) created doubts and dissent among Alexander’s troops triggering a retreat. Yaudheyas were also known as Mattamayurakas (dancing peacocks) as they were devotees of a God of war, now worshipped mostly in Tamil Nadu. Which God are we referring to?

10 / 10

The Andhaka Vrishnis were a republic in modern day Gujarat that were mentioned in Mahabharata, Panini and Arthashastra. The republic is also believed to have been headed by a key player in Mahabharata. Who was that leader?

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