Shankara Jayanti Quiz

Sunday is Visaka Shukla Panchami. Both Shri Shankaracharya and Shri Ramanujacharya have their birthdays on the same day. It is an amazing coincidence that binds two great acharyas of India.

Along with Shri Madhvacharya, they had a profound impact on the practices in Hinduism. Even today, the way Hindus live, think and worship is due to the impact of these great acharyas.

In this quiz, we explore the lives, travels and teachings of these acharyas.

We thank Shri Arjun Bharadwadji for his help in developing this quiz.

Picture Credit – Artist ANIKARTICK, Flickr

Madhvacharya was born near a town known for its pilgrimage and for its cuisine. Which is it?

The birthplace of Shri Ramanujacharya, Sri Perumbudur, near Chennai, also has a memorial for one of our Prime Ministers. Who is it?

Shankaracharya is synonymous with Advaita. What does Advaita signify?

At Varanasi, Shankaracharya received a remarkable insight from a “candala,” as untouchables were called then. Who appeared before Shankaracharya in the form of candala?

Shankaracharya ordained four Maths to further propagate a Mahavakya each (Great Sayings of Upanishads). The iconic “Tat Tvam Asi” (that you are) is the responsibility of which Math? The picture is from Sabarimala!

Sri Ramanuja propagated a philosophy that contributed to making the Bhakti movement popular. What is his philosophy called?

Which legendary Vaishnavite temple in Tamil Nadu is considered the seat of Shri Ramanujacharya?

Where in India is Shankaracharya Hill?

The setting of Baahubali, the iconic movie, is also the location where Shankaracharya won over Mandana Mishra in a famous debate. Where is this?

Shri Madhvacharya introduced the third common Vedantic Philosophy of Dvaita. What does Dvaita mean?

Shri Ramanujacharya spread the Bhakti form of worship to all and disregarded birth based rights. A “Statue of Equality” has been consecrated in his honour. Where is this?

Shankaracharya established a Vishnu temple where he ordained that only priests from Kerala would officiate. Which temple is this?

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