Shiva, Antiquity and Diversity

What is the connection between scuba diving and a Shivalinga? Which community wears a linga around their neck always? How is the romance of the ferry connected with Shiva? Was Shiva worshipped in Indus Valley?

Discover the antiquity, archaeology and diversity of Shiva worship with this Shivaratri Quiz.

There are 14 questions in this quiz. Why 14? Because MahaShivaratri is celebrated on the 14th day of the month of Magha.

Each question carries an interesting snippet, helping you discover more about Shivaratri.

The sketch is by legendary artist Maniam Selvan.

Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu is a famous Shiva temple. It is one of a group of five temples, each of which represents one element of nature. Which element does Chidambaram represent?

A famous western author discovered a Shivling while scuba diving. It is now part of the ancient Triconamalee temple in Sri Lanka. Who is this author?

One of the earliest Shaivite worshippers were Pashupatas. Which of these popular tourist places is a Pashupata sect temple?

Jyotirlingas are the most sacred of Shiva pilgrimage sites. Which of these states has the maximum Jyotirlings?

Which of the following works of Kalidasa is based on a family member of Shiva?

Kailash and Amarnath Yatras are well known Shiva pilgrimages. Shrikand Mahadev too reaches a staggering height of 5227 mts. Where is this Yatra?

Which manifestation of Shiva combines both Shiva and Shakti?

Which community of Shiva worshippers wears a Linga around their neck?

Shiva is not one among the nature deities who have primacy in Rig Veda. He is referred to in the text, but by a different name. What is he called?

Which of the following marks the first complete description of Shiva as supreme deity?

This quaint temple is a Vishnu temple. It is connected to a life event of Shiva. Which is this event?

Kankhal near Haridwar in Uttarakhand is tied to a life event of Shiva. That life event gave rise to a popular group of temples. Which is this temple group?

This Indus Valley seal is considered by many historians as “Proto Shiva.” There are other differing interpretations. What is this seal called?

This shivaliga is an archaeological find from an ancient site. Where was this found?

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