Today is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.

The Sun and its cycle have been an important part of worship in India. On this day, this short quiz takes you through the famous Sun temples of India. Like the antiquity of Sun worship, the status of the temples also reflects the long history. Some have been destroyed, some, even with the destruction retain their glory. Some others still host Sun worship and some have left a lasting impression on local traditions.

Do take this quiz and see how many you can recognize.  Just seven questions each marking a day of the modern week.

The picture above is a Surya sculpture from the Guwahati museum, Assam.

Picture Credit: Ramanujam S. R

1 / 7

A famous medieval sun temple, in present day Pakistan, was among the first temples to be sacked by Arab invaders. It was destroyed by Muhammed bin Qasim who led the expedition to capture Sindh between 708-11 CE. In which city was it located?

2 / 7

One of the famous pilgrimage sites of India also was the location of 14 Sun temples. These were razed after 12th century but remnants of them still are worshipped. Which pilgrimage site is this?

3 / 7

The Hindi film Haidar had a song filmed at the ruins of a sun temple built by the great Kashmiri king Lalitaditya Mukatapida of the Karakota dynasty. He ruled in the first half of the 8th century CE. He is sometimes described as a world conqueror having defeated kings from Central Asia to Bengal and from Kanauj to the Deccan. What is name of this temple?

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Suryanar Temple is a well known Surya temple. It is part of a unique group nine temples which are dedicated to the worship of Navagrahas or nine planets. In which Indian State is this located?

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This unknown Sun Temple is in the Himalayas and is 1000 years old. Where is this Sun Temple?

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The Konark sun temple is one of the most celebrated monuments of India. It is a UNESCO world heritage structure. The main structure (vimana) does not exist and only the assembly hall remains. That itself rivals any other monument in aesthetics. In traditional temple terminology, what is the assembly hall, the remaining structure, called?

7 / 7

This is perhaps the only ancient Sun temple, which though damaged, is more or less intact, along with a Surya Kund. Where is this Sun Temple?

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