The Variety of Sankranti

Sankranti marks Sun worship as well as harvest.

As an agrarian society, India celebrates Sankranti in many forms. It is a day of Sun worship, a day of gratitude for the harvest,  a day of celebrations and also a day for yatra.

Each part of India celebrates Makar Sankranti uniquely. This quiz takes you through this variety of Sankranti. It covers the festival, its antiquity and the tradition of Sun worship. It covers diverse festivities around Sankranti. It also takes you through the archeology of Surya.

V C Srivastava of Allahabad University published the first comprehensive survey of sun worship in India in 1972. Before him, in 1957, Jitendra Nath Banerjea chronicled the development of the iconography of Surya. We have generously drawn from them, among others.

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Randal Maataji temples are common in Gujarat and the Randal Ghodo festival is a popular event. She is related to Surya. How?

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Gujarat celebrates Makar Sankranti as Uttarayan. The festivities are marked by a kite flying. This is also a popular way of celebration in another State. Which is this?

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Singanpur is the location where you can find one of the earliest representations of Surya on pottery. These belong to neolothic times. In which State is Singanpur in?

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The earliest human depiction of Surya occurs in Bhaja caves near Mumbai and in Bodh Gaya. To which religion can this be attributed to?

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What does ‘makar’ in Makara Sankranti stand for?

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Sun worship in India is prevalent from the times of Vedas. Since when has Sankranti been celebrated? Can you guess?

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Tamil Nadu celebrates Makar Sankranti with a three/four day festival called Pongal. What does Pongal mean?

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Sankranti is also a day for bathing in sacred waters. This photograph captures a pilgrimage to a sacred waterbody along the Ganges. Which pilgrimage is this?

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In this Sankranti sport Jallikattu, men engage in a contest to try and catch a running bull’s hump. They have to secure a pouch of coins hung around the bull’s horn to win the contest. In which State is this sport popular during Sankranti?

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The Indian civilization is credited with venerating multiple aspects of Sun. One aspect of Sun worship is considered unique to Indian civilization. Which is it?

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Which great God of popular Hinduism is said to have evolved from one of the forms of Surya depicted in the Rig Veda?

12 / 12

The Aditya Hridaya Stotram is a powerful invocation to Surya. It is set in a battlefield in one of our celebrated books. In which book will you find this Stotra?

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